Yes, we require all users to create an account before purchasing original artwork on our site. On your ELLA account, you can: view your purchase history and receive updates when we upload new work.
If there is a specific work you would like to buy but require more time to complete the purchase, please send an email to support@ellagallery.com with - Artwork Reservation Request - in the subject line and include the following information:
Please note that use the reservation process ONLY if you are already committed to purchasing the work.
All the artworks for sale on ELLA come with a certificate of authenticity signed by the artist.
When you receive your original artwork from our courier, you have seven (7) days to decide whether to keep the work or return it in its original condition for a refund.
We also require all returned artwork to be shipped out by the buyer within three (3) days of contacting to confirm the return of the artwork to us.
So, if you receive artwork you have purchased from ELLA and are not fully satisfied, you have:
**Do not ship the artwork before contacting us; you must first contact us.**
If you do not notify us of your intent to return the work within 7 days of receipt or you do not ship the work within 3 days of informing us, you will NOT be eligible for a refund.
(Some exceptions will apply. Contact us for an assessment of your specific situation.)
It is a great idea to give art as a gift! However, it can be tricky to choose an artwork for another person, even if you know them well.
We are here to help you give a unique gift: You can talk about the person you want to gift the art to, what they like and what would suit their home. Then we can offer you a personalised selection within your budget.
Arch 2024-01-17 12:18:43
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